BhaiLang | Bhailang Programming Language (A toy programming language written by two engineer brothers)

BhaiLang Programming Language (A toy programming language written by two engineer brothers).

Which is most popular over the internet today. due to its funny coding tags. The way two real software engineers build this toy language is appreciated. Here you can see the way they defined the variable and starting tag or end tag. 

Bhailang Programming Language

You will be very surprised by that. Check out below.

hi bhai
bol bhai "Hello World";
bhai ye hai a = 3;
bhai ye hai b = 0;
jab tak bhai (b < 5) {
bol bhai b;
agar bhai (b == a){
bol bhai "b is equal to a";
b += 1;
This will be ignored

hi bhai
 // Write code here
bye bhai
This too

hi bhai
  bhai ye hai a = 10;
  bhai ye hai b = "two";
  bhai ye hai c = 15;
  a = a + 1;
  b = 21;
  c *= 2;
bye bhai

As you can see above it's a way to start a script and define variables funny. It is what makes it the talk of the coding town. Everybody who is seeing this creativity is amused by these two brothers, Aniket Singh And Rishabh Tripathi.

This type of creativity to write code in a coding language can make it easy to learn to code for those who are new in coding or don't have much knowledge in coding or IT.

Here I shared the overview about the bhailang if you want to know more about the this coding language, then you can learn on its source website - 

Published by: MBGB Patna News Updated: Jan 16, 2024, 6:09pm
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